Kooky weather? Global
Warming? Frauds! (Don’t really mean
that. Just trying to make a point.)
Seven billion people packed
on Mother Earth, forced to share resources? No Big Deal. (Ditto.)
Wars overseas, banks run
amok, Greek debt, an economy tanked, unemployment sky-high, and not a leader in
sight to guide us out of this mess? Child’s play! (Double ditto.)
Citizens, we have a
much more pressing crisis; one that threatens not only our national security,
but the very existence of planet earth.
Yes. You read that
correctly. L-A-U-N-D-R-Y.
Filthy, foul smelling,
and propagator of mold, laundry is replicating at an alarming rate. In just one
home in WNY, it has occupied an entire downstairs room, and is invading whole
sections of closets, stairwells and floors upstairs.
A cunning foe.
Stain-stuck, washed, softened, dried, then tossed in a basket, laundry can
remain sedentary for months; resisting all attempts at being folded or tucked
in drawers.
Refuses negotiation. Clinging to its basket like aliens to a home ship, laundry has shunned
the always-willing-to-help hands of children and husbands- allowing contact only
with mom or wife.
Unresponsive to torture. Laundry has been ignored on carpets and floors- stepped on, kicked,
dragged, then hauled back to its special room, where it is flung onto another proliferating
pile of laundry.
It simply cannot be terminated.
Wreaking havoc on
America’s overburdened health-care system,
laundry causes an untold number of work related injuries-from back pain to
pruny fingers. Mental health care costs have increased a thousand-fold, with
reports of domestic disturbances including uncontrollable weeping,
exorcist-like shouts of ‘separate the colors!' and hallucinations depicting
piles of laundry growing to beanstalk height. In families where children play outdoor
sports year-round, laundry’s amoeba-like replication rates have led to a 558%
increase in the use of Xanax. A 47 year old woman, missing for months,
was recently discovered beneath three hampers and a mound of whites and colors.
Suffocated, her rigor-mortisized fingers were still clutching a near-empty
bottle of Zout.
Hilary and Leon, forget
about Terrorists and the Middle East. Focus on the War on Laundry.
NASA, you have time on
your hands. Build a stink-resistant vessel that can transport all laundry to Pluto: that poor, tiny X-planet could use some attention.
Do-Nothing Congress, do
some laundry. Perhaps then we’ll get a Congressional Inquiry into this
national nightmare.
President Obama, give
us back our homes. Our sanity. Issue a Presidential Directive ordering that Laundry-Care
become our top National Priority.
Surely, it's the cause
of kooky weather, global warming, and all things evil.
On a daily basis, laundry
threatens to destroy the existence of one sane, healthy and happy individual.
Imagine what it might do
to seven billion people.
Haha!!! The best thing I've read all day!!! Let's have the witch from Scariest Dream come and do all of it!!!! LOL!